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Kristin Rojas M.D.


SSO Podcast – Opioid-sparing breast cancer surgery

Speaking of SurgOnc® is a podcast brought to you by the Annals of Surgical Oncology (ASO) and the Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO).

The series is hosted by ASO Deputy Editor Dr. Frederick L. (Rick) Greene, who will expand upon ideas from articles published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology.

Episode 27 of Speaking of SurgOnc, Rick Greene, MD interviews me, to discuss the implementation of an opioid-sparing multimodal analgesia protocol for lumpectomy patients for pain management without a routine opioid prescription. The science behind our discussion can be found in my article “Opioid-Sparing Multimodal Analgesia Protocol for Lumpectomy Patients Results in Superior Postoperative Pain Control.”

Click here to listen to the Podcast Episode


Dr. Rojas receives grant funding for research studying the impact of opioids on the gut microbiome

Excerpt from the article:

The Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation and National Medical Fellowships have selected Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center researcher Kristin E. Rojas, M.D., F.A.C.S. for its inaugural Diversity in Clinical Trials Career Development Program, which includes a two-year $240,000 grant for her research “Effects of Perioperative Opioids on Gut Microbiome Composition in Breast Cancer Patients.”

The Clinical Trials Career Development Program recognizes community-oriented clinical researchers for their outstanding professional achievements and promise. Dr. Rojas, assistant professor of surgical oncology in the Dewitt Daughtry Department of Surgery and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, is among a distinguished group of physicians and one of six surgeons selected for the Foundation’s initiative to strengthen partnerships between clinical investigators and communities, increase the diversity of patients enrolled in clinical trials, and enhance the development of therapeutics for all populations.

Click here to read the full article at INVENTUM (University of Miami Research, Education and Medical News)

For patients

UM HEALTH NEWS – Vaginal Health Is Usually Simple

I was featured in a nice article for University of Miami Health News about some of the issues that arise from deceptive marketing targeting women’s hygiene and women’s sexual health.

For hundreds of years, companies that sell “feminine hygiene products” have told women that the natural smells and fluids of their vaginas needed to be masked or perfumed. But never before today have women of all ages been bombarded with so many sales pitches for so many different vaginal health products and services.

Click here to read the full article at University of Miami Health News